Monday, October 4, 2010

movin on...

Well... a week in... working with our new drummer on getting songs down. Got an itch to move quicker... but everything good takes time.

Recording LIVE! This Week! Very excited to be getting down some new songs. Blue Fingers, and Radio will be done.  We should be posting them to our Webpage by mid next week.

Hoping to add some more songs to the set List too! Corrie has written three new songs this past week... One is finished and 2 more are being compiled... Taking a while but that only means they will be good ones.

Our Guitarist Aaron finally got his set of wheels today! Yea! This is gonna make it soo much nicer!

Also, have some plans for October. Goto to check it out. We have added new Jimeni Merchandise you can purchase to support us So BUY! and if there isn't that one thing you are looking for... let us know! We will be sure to get your favorite design!

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