Friday, October 22, 2010


THE JIMENI BAND News updates... Go to to Read ALL About it!

Salutations Everyone!

Here are Your Jimeni Updates!

As most of you know, Jimeni has changed their line-up. BIO’s Recently, we lost our Drummer, Russell… We were fortunate enough to have a Drummer waiting on the sidelines to get into the band! Garrett Holloway has stepped in with a vengeance! He is completely ready to Rock and adds a Full Beat with Perfect Rhythm to Jimeni’s Original Songs. We are enjoying recomposing our already written songs to meet the edginess that he provides as a drummer… There has even been talk of the members co-writing some new songs!

Corrie has been continually writing new songs as well… (Titles include: Raincoat, Contradiction, Everybody’s Talkin, Black Sheep, and Blue Fingers. Blue Fingers is Now Performed LIVE and is available by Video on With the recent wind of creativity that blew through a few weeks ago, seems we almost have a full collection for a new CD! (Listen to our First, Acoustic Duet, in Studio Live Recording Here… “not so simple… Part 1”) We will begin recording in Winter 2010 and Release in Spring 2011 with Secret Enterprise Productions of Grass Valley, CA. There will be nothing like it, we assure you. The band’s underway with new sounds, themes and a core of Soul Rock that will hardly be mistaken. It seems to be, when you join two highly Creative, Talented and Different generations with the same goal; you all end up on the same page! Ready to Rock!

If you haven’t yet signed up on our Home Website as a member… now is the time! We are working on getting information to our email lists this way from now on. Simply go to to become a member and receive Gig Information, News about our upcoming Spring CD, Blog Discussions and More… We are excited to invite you here! So, please take a few moments to check it out! We have posted new Video’s, Photos, and have even added an Arcade for members! Members can Chat amongst themselves or Comment, add Pics of their own and/or Videos! Members can even write News Stories of their own! Stay Updated with Jimeni and your Friends at

You can also follow Jimeni on other sites including the Following…




UpComing Gigs:

October 22nd World Pub Tour #10

October 30th Private Halloween Party… (You know who you are…)

November 6th Ponderosa Bar 50th Celebration of Buck Stew!

Lastly, We would like to Thank ALL OF YOU! For your Generous Contributions of Donations, Support and Presence as Jimeni works on Providing You with ROCK n ROLL! Until Next time, Keep your Toes a Tappin’ and your Soul’s in the Music!

Corrie Vallance

Marketing | Sales Specialist

Jimeni Founder/Promoter


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