Monday, December 20, 2010


Rock n Roll Rations…

Well, here we are closing out December with much accomplished and so much more to do! The times are changing for working musicians in the CA regions.  And, we are glad you’re hungry! Your Rock n Roll starvation keeps us pushing forward! We are anxious to feed the masses what they want. Rock n Roll has changed and we are setting a new trend. With the recent joining of Tichome, Zozimus and Jimeni; three innate Placer County Bands; the plans for 2011 are brewing under everybody’s skin! It’s time for Greatness!
Zozimus, headed by Jimeni’s guitar genius, Aaron Christopher, has prospered a following and instilled a diligence to the Sunday Night Open Mic at the World Pub in Auburn. Every Sunday seems to be more epic than the week before. We are noticing a trend of growth and have no doubt we are going further than any of us expected…
In 2011 the trio will head off a Tour the Masses adventure, focusing on sharing music that offers a ration of rock with every note. The sounds that are created by these three original bands are completely diverse from one other and at most eclectic of what the industry is producing in recent times. The one common note they carry is their united diversity to the music industry itself. With Zozimus providing psychedelic originals and hard guitar covers, Trichome’s rock symphony and Jimeni’s classic rock originals and blues covers; the group has an entire variety show covered. With goals to perform as many shows together as they possibly can, the rock trio will press forward toward touring the west coast by the end of 2011.

Time to Shoot Ourselves with You!

As Jimeni continues to work on mastering their very first professional original CD, “Black Sheep”; the studio work has prompted several other media projects. The CD will have ten original songs… including Radio, Oh Mama, Music Shop Lovin and Legion’s Ride. The songs have promoted their own growth as the band and Secret Enterprise Studio meticulously work on their production. Jimeni will be releasing the CD in March 2011 which will include a fully produced music video as well as offer several ringtones online. The band also will be sending their release to several media promoters for other productions including TV theme work. Secret Enterprise Studio has also begun productions of Full Tour Interviews, Member Promotion, Widespread Media Releases as well as CD Production for Trichome and Zozimus. The trio has only began their first steps on a journey that is mapped out through the entire 2011 calendar… it’s only a matter of time before they see well deserved results.
The band also will perform on Access Television in February and March as the first Live Rock Band on Sacramento’s very own Public Television Channel. Their other goals include several Video Shoot days, Self Promoted Public Media Stunts and Festival and Fair appearances.

Ride Jimeni with Style…

Jimeni has joined with Bill Mael, their Manager, in a Business adventure. The band now opens and operates a Limousine Service! Proceeds from the Limo’s travels and rents works as a sponsor for Jimeni and the ventures the musical career leads them through. Rent the Jimeni Limo and not only to enjoy your ride in style but offer support to a hard working worthy cause, Jimeni! Bill Mael made the first investment and holds ownership and licensing and has offered the business opportunity to Jimeni due to their motivation and musical passions. He truly is a blessing to the bands future.

Upcoming Schedule

12/31/10          Tour the Masses New Years Rock Show
                        World Pub Auburn, CA
Trichome and Zozimus Open for Jimeni at World Pub to bring in the New Year! Mistro Entertainment will be joining us to help MC the event as well as provide a full Light Show for the performance.
1/8/11              Music Video Film Work Day
Jimeni starts film on their first music video. Casting Calls to be announced in February 2011
1/14/11            World Pub Tour #12
Greatest Time to be had at the World Pub when Jimeni's in the house! Brews from all over the world!
1/15/11            Music Video Film Work Day
Jimeni continues film on their first music video.
1/28/11            World Pub Tour #13
Greatest Time to be had at the World Pub when Jimeni's in the house! Brews from all over the world! Celebrating a Birthday Bash Weekend for all January Birthdays!!!
1/29/11            Private Studio Party
Jimeni plays at Syndicate’s Private Studio for a Full Birthday Bash~ must be invited to attend.
2/5/11              Access TV Film Date
Jimeni is performing on ACCESS SAC TV in Feb!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two Steps Forward

We have Scratch Demo in our hands of Jimeni's New CD. A great compilation with new vocals and new songs! Can't wait to share! Secret Enterprise ROCKS! Robbi Spencer has enhanced our sound and really captured the true live sound of Jimeni. We are very excited about all the opportunities in the future!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bill Said... A Hiring Tribute

Well there you have it... My new favorite line...

Jimeni has hired an official Manager. We have been pushing the band in the right direction, but now it's time for a whole new level. "It takes someone with Connections and Experience to do this sort of thing" Corrie states. "The fact remains is that we just don't have the high enough connections to see this farther than we have brought it." We look forward to working with Bill Mael.

As an Actor, Musician and Artist; Bill Mael won many a Talent Search and has headed off his Daughter in her Hollywood Career. His devotion to Jimeni is simple. He Loves the Music and Knows just what to do to help us get the recognition we deserve. In processes that are beyond the "little people", Bill will utilize the tangables and media items Jimeni has created and collected to further their musical endeavors. "Its only a matter of time at this point, time, a little bit of creativity and passion in the right direction"

We as Jimeni are building the steps as we go... Bill will make sure they are built strong.

We haven't handed over the entire slate... Jimeni will work very closely with Bill Mael. Corrie Vallance has been the Liason for the band since its founding in 2005. The band has accomplished a great deal of workings and performed on many stages. She manages the product, website, media, and schedules. She is the songwriter as well of the songs Jimeni Presents... The connection between all of this and still being Lead singer has proven a bit much for her though; "one cannot be to involved with both sides of success... at some point a path must be laid before you so you can focus on the reason you started the journey in the first place...", Corrie says laughing.

We are moving cautiously through each step and taking into consideration every detail. The moment of truth is still far ahead, but keeping our eyes on the end of the tunnel is the only way to travel in the dark. We look forward to every turn. It will be a fun Journey.

So, from Jimeni to Bill Mael, Welcome and Thank you for your so far, sincere and honest approach to helping us reach our goals! We appreciate your enthusiasms and will do whatever we can to not let you down!

~a journey must begin at the beginning because if you do not have a beginning, you cannot have an end.~Corrie

Here's to going to the top! Bill Said...

Corrie Vallance


Jimeni Band

Friday, October 22, 2010


THE JIMENI BAND News updates... Go to to Read ALL About it!

Salutations Everyone!

Here are Your Jimeni Updates!

As most of you know, Jimeni has changed their line-up. BIO’s Recently, we lost our Drummer, Russell… We were fortunate enough to have a Drummer waiting on the sidelines to get into the band! Garrett Holloway has stepped in with a vengeance! He is completely ready to Rock and adds a Full Beat with Perfect Rhythm to Jimeni’s Original Songs. We are enjoying recomposing our already written songs to meet the edginess that he provides as a drummer… There has even been talk of the members co-writing some new songs!

Corrie has been continually writing new songs as well… (Titles include: Raincoat, Contradiction, Everybody’s Talkin, Black Sheep, and Blue Fingers. Blue Fingers is Now Performed LIVE and is available by Video on With the recent wind of creativity that blew through a few weeks ago, seems we almost have a full collection for a new CD! (Listen to our First, Acoustic Duet, in Studio Live Recording Here… “not so simple… Part 1”) We will begin recording in Winter 2010 and Release in Spring 2011 with Secret Enterprise Productions of Grass Valley, CA. There will be nothing like it, we assure you. The band’s underway with new sounds, themes and a core of Soul Rock that will hardly be mistaken. It seems to be, when you join two highly Creative, Talented and Different generations with the same goal; you all end up on the same page! Ready to Rock!

If you haven’t yet signed up on our Home Website as a member… now is the time! We are working on getting information to our email lists this way from now on. Simply go to to become a member and receive Gig Information, News about our upcoming Spring CD, Blog Discussions and More… We are excited to invite you here! So, please take a few moments to check it out! We have posted new Video’s, Photos, and have even added an Arcade for members! Members can Chat amongst themselves or Comment, add Pics of their own and/or Videos! Members can even write News Stories of their own! Stay Updated with Jimeni and your Friends at

You can also follow Jimeni on other sites including the Following…




UpComing Gigs:

October 22nd World Pub Tour #10

October 30th Private Halloween Party… (You know who you are…)

November 6th Ponderosa Bar 50th Celebration of Buck Stew!

Lastly, We would like to Thank ALL OF YOU! For your Generous Contributions of Donations, Support and Presence as Jimeni works on Providing You with ROCK n ROLL! Until Next time, Keep your Toes a Tappin’ and your Soul’s in the Music!

Corrie Vallance

Marketing | Sales Specialist

Jimeni Founder/Promoter


Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Jimeni went out to Iowa Hill this last weekend... What a Great Time! Certainly placed in the middle of nowhere... this bunch was ready to Rock n Roll!

Turned out a Great crowd, most of who knew Jimeni from our musical ventures in Colfax, a nearby historical town... we were very happy to be there and Rocked into the evening with folks Dancing, Four Wheel Drivin and Shootin Moonshine!The Fundraiser did well as well! Raised funds for the Iowa Hill Firehouse with a Pig Roast Supper... MMM MMM Good it was! With a Bunch of Good ole' Boys, Gitty up Gals and Great Live Music, this scene was hopping with wonderful energy! We look forward to being invited next year!

See our Photo's for some great pics... and check out this video!


Through this gig, we are building a reputation! The very next morning we got a call form Richard, (Friend of Jimeni's) He suggested us to the Ponderosa Bar and we are know performing for their 50th Buck Stew Anniversary! Love these back hill gigs! Folks are great and ready to Rock...

So, hopefully we will see ya there! Till next time...

Keep your toes a tappin and your soul in the music!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Click here to read the latest on Practice Updates... Band is finally in sync. Feeling good about this Saturdays Gig in Iowa Hill...!!!!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

movin on...

Well... a week in... working with our new drummer on getting songs down. Got an itch to move quicker... but everything good takes time.

Recording LIVE! This Week! Very excited to be getting down some new songs. Blue Fingers, and Radio will be done.  We should be posting them to our Webpage by mid next week.

Hoping to add some more songs to the set List too! Corrie has written three new songs this past week... One is finished and 2 more are being compiled... Taking a while but that only means they will be good ones.

Our Guitarist Aaron finally got his set of wheels today! Yea! This is gonna make it soo much nicer!

Also, have some plans for October. Goto to check it out. We have added new Jimeni Merchandise you can purchase to support us So BUY! and if there isn't that one thing you are looking for... let us know! We will be sure to get your favorite design!