Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wake up little Moody...

Wow, what a late night! Exhausted from the Woodbridge trip. Had a great time though. Interesting to find out the truths about folks and their live music expectations. For a crowd that doesn't tip and a bar that barely pays your gas and hotel room to come play, They got pretty Bossy! Turns out... I need to be a jukebox for whatever whimsical random song that may be going thru their head at any given moment of time. UGH. They did know we were an Original Band Right? Far as I am concerned... there isn't enough time to be a True Artist if you spend all your time pretending to be someone else. The whole point was to share me, my life, my thoughts, my trials... not someone else's... oh well...
Learn and grow from all decisions... It can only press me forward into a more aggressive stance in standing up for what I believe in. Things take time... and I know folks will either learn to dig us for what we offer or they won't... But just because I sound like Stevie Nicks, Sheryl Crow, Janis Joplin or whoever else... doesn't mean I am here to revive them and make you think you are way back in the past at one of there concerts! Check it! I am Corrie Vallance, a Great Singer and Songwriter who is trying to make Her way... Not recreate a past of another's success.
Take me or Leave me, just don't try and Mold me.

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