Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two Steps Forward

We have Scratch Demo in our hands of Jimeni's New CD. A great compilation with new vocals and new songs! Can't wait to share! Secret Enterprise ROCKS! Robbi Spencer has enhanced our sound and really captured the true live sound of Jimeni. We are very excited about all the opportunities in the future!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bill Said... A Hiring Tribute

Well there you have it... My new favorite line...

Jimeni has hired an official Manager. We have been pushing the band in the right direction, but now it's time for a whole new level. "It takes someone with Connections and Experience to do this sort of thing" Corrie states. "The fact remains is that we just don't have the high enough connections to see this farther than we have brought it." We look forward to working with Bill Mael.

As an Actor, Musician and Artist; Bill Mael won many a Talent Search and has headed off his Daughter in her Hollywood Career. His devotion to Jimeni is simple. He Loves the Music and Knows just what to do to help us get the recognition we deserve. In processes that are beyond the "little people", Bill will utilize the tangables and media items Jimeni has created and collected to further their musical endeavors. "Its only a matter of time at this point, time, a little bit of creativity and passion in the right direction"

We as Jimeni are building the steps as we go... Bill will make sure they are built strong.

We haven't handed over the entire slate... Jimeni will work very closely with Bill Mael. Corrie Vallance has been the Liason for the band since its founding in 2005. The band has accomplished a great deal of workings and performed on many stages. She manages the product, website, media, and schedules. She is the songwriter as well of the songs Jimeni Presents... The connection between all of this and still being Lead singer has proven a bit much for her though; "one cannot be to involved with both sides of success... at some point a path must be laid before you so you can focus on the reason you started the journey in the first place...", Corrie says laughing.

We are moving cautiously through each step and taking into consideration every detail. The moment of truth is still far ahead, but keeping our eyes on the end of the tunnel is the only way to travel in the dark. We look forward to every turn. It will be a fun Journey.

So, from Jimeni to Bill Mael, Welcome and Thank you for your so far, sincere and honest approach to helping us reach our goals! We appreciate your enthusiasms and will do whatever we can to not let you down!

~a journey must begin at the beginning because if you do not have a beginning, you cannot have an end.~Corrie

Here's to going to the top! Bill Said...

Corrie Vallance


Jimeni Band